Big Brother: Evel Dick Donato says he is having a hard time rooting for Dani

Big Brother winner Evel Dick Donato has posted about his daughter, Daniele Donato, a lot this season. And most of it has not been very flattering, as Dani is playing the game of a person that she would have targeted for eviction on her previous seasons.

Earlier this season, Evel Dick said that Dani was showing “really bad game play” through the first few weeks. He didn’t know why she was making some of her choices and why she was telling so many lies.

Dani has been at no risk of getting nominated or evicted through the first three weeks, which made some of her choices in the house come off as extremely questionable. Like when she joked with Nicole Franzel about ghosting Nicole Anthony’s podcast.

Daniele’s gameplay also drew a response from Kathryn Dunn of BB21, who didn’t appreciate that members of BB All-Stars 2 were treating Nicole Anthony badly. And you know it’s bad when someone who played on Big Brother 21 says you are doing something wrong. Remember Nick Maccarone? Yeesh.

Evel Dick posts on Twitter about (not) rooting for his daughter

Responding to a post made by one of the live blogging fan sites, Evel Dick wrote, “I’m finding it very hard to root for Dani this season. She’s become one of the type of girls I have always hated watching on BB… And she’ll be mad when they turn on her and treat her like she’s treating these people.”

It echoes some of the things that fans have been saying on social media and in the chats for the CBS live feeds.

Daniele Donato still in good position to win Big Brother All-Stars?

Making it this far without getting targeted and setting herself up in some strong alliances is a really good start for Daniele on BB All-Stars 2, but there could be some problems ahead.

Daniele’s alliance figured out her plans to plant seeds of information all around the house. Watching them figure it out on the live feeds, it almost seemed like they had watched where Dani talked about it on Episode 9.

If she isn’t careful, Dani is going to be targeted soon, maybe as early as Week 4, because her name has already been brought up as a possible backdoor option if they don’t feel they can trust her any longer.

This is where Dani needs to find a way to win Head of Household and get the power in her own hands for at least a week.

Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.
