Is Tera Chavez's cop husband Levi Chavez guilty and where is he now?

The entire world around Levi Chavez came trembling down when one fine October morning in 2007, he returned to his New Mexico home to find his wife Tera Chavez dead after taking a bullet to the mouth. Although the case initially looked like a suicide, investigators dug up evidence and theories that proved otherwise.

Levi Chavez found his wife, Terra, dead in bed at their New Mexico home in 2007 (Image via NBC)

Dateline: Unforgettable's upcoming episode, in a re-broadcast, will cover the story of Tera Chavez's tragic death while also narrating the heated and controversial trial of her cop husband, Levi Chavez. He was accused of murdering his wife by the victim's family and one of the detectives working the case and was ultimately acquitted of all charges in 2013 after being found not guilty by a jury.

Season 2 Episode 2 of Dateline: Unforgettable is scheduled to air on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, at 8.00 pm ET on Oxygen, with Josh Mankiewicz reporting on the story.

The official synopsis of the episode says,

"When a police officer's wife is shot to death in her bed, her parents' certainty that investigators have it wrong and their determination to untangle the mystery, makes the case unforgettable for Josh Mankiewicz."

Exploring former cop Levi Chavez's alleged murder trial and current whereabouts

According to reports, an Albuquerque, New Mexico police officer Levi Chaves was suspected of shooting and murdering his 26-year-old wife, Tera Chavez, with his issued service gun after investigators reportedly presumed that he attempted to cover up the crime as a suicide. According to the prosecution, she was on the verge of filing a complaint against him for fraudulent activity.

Chavez discovered his wife dead, with a gunshot wound to the mouth upon returning home on October 22, 2007. He immediately called the police, who, looking at the crime scene, ruled it suicide.

However, after several suspicions, connections, and autopsy reports were drawn, investigators and the victim's family accused the officer of allegedly shooting and murdering Tera Chavez in the bed of their Los Lunas home.

Chavez was eventually charged with first-degree murder and obstructing justice, responding to which he entered a not guilty plea and, to date, asserts his innocence.

He finally went on trial for the allegations brought against him in 2013, a full two years after the charges were first brought. Police officers, pathologists, the women Levi had relationships with, and Tera's family all testified throughout the 6-week-long court case.

Levi was ultimately cleared of all charges. Throughout the trial, Levi Chavez steadfastly asserted his innocence and continues to do so. According to reports, he is now the husband of APD Detective Heather.

After being pronounced not guilty by a jury in 2013, Levi sought to become a lawyer after a couple of years of training and was admitted into the University of New Mexico Law School, where he reportedly concentrated on criminal law.

The former police officer, graduating with a law degree, serves in a non-profit company known as Heading Home and assists the organization in its fight against homelessness in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Based on the information provided on their website, Levi is now serving as the Emergency Housing Director at their Westside Emergency Housing Center.

The upcoming episode of Dateline Unforgettable will premiere at 8.00 pm ET on Tuesday, June 14, 2022.

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