Reflect Jocelyn Steelman Death, New York City Resident

Jocelyn Steelman, a New York City native and citizen, passed very tragically on September 30, 2023, at the age of 46.

The lives of her devoted friends, family, and coworkers have been significantly diminished by her passing.

She was a remarkable woman who, before she was declared dead, touched the hearts of many.

At the beginning of her trip, Jocelyn Steelman studied at Washington University in St. Louis. Elliot Steelman, the man who would later become her husband, and she became friends while she was a student there.

By demonstrating the power of love and their commitment to one another while overcoming the challenges of life together, they inspired the globe.

Jocelyn’s loyalty to the company and her commitment to it throughout her career helped her to rise through the ranks and ultimately be promoted to General Manager of Product Strategy. She had an unshakable commitment to excellence and a knack for motivating her colleagues. These two characteristics best described her career path.

Jocelyn was known for her empathy, kindness, and thoughtfulness. one who possesses both a sharp business knowledge and the grace to lead. The people closest to her heart were her family and friends.

Jocelyn was a highly sensitive and generous person who was always looking for ways to give back to the community. She served on the boards of directors for numerous firms and gave generously to numerous nonprofits.

Over the years, Jocelyn and Elliott have consistently supported the New York Harbour School as well as the Billion Oyster Project. The pair also established a scholarship at Washington University in St. Louis, their alma mater, to help students in need

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